Starting Pre-School
Welcome to Crown Street Pre-School
We understand that starting Pre-School or moving setting is a significant moment for any child. We will do everything we can to ensure your child settles in smoothly to Crown Street Pre-School.
We take our responsibility for your child’s personal and academic development seriously. We value strong home-school links and the positive difference they can make to a child’s happiness and success.
Before starting with us, we will be holding an induction event in the Summer term for our parents and carers ahead of your child starting Pre-School in September.
Until then, we hope you find the information provided on our website useful and encourage you to look across our Instagram and Facebook accounts, to begin to get flavour of life at Crown Street Primary School.
– Mrs Heleyna Thompson, Head of School
Please note: a limited number of places are still available in our Pre-School for the academic year 2024-2025. Please get in touch with us to find out more: [email protected]
Admissions for September 2025 entry into Pre-School
The Laurus Trust is the Admissions Authority for Crown Street Pre-School. The co-ordination and administration of admissions for entry is undertaken directly by Crown Street Primary School.
If your child was born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022, they are eligible for a place in our Pre-School starting in September 2025. Admissions will open from 25th July 2024 to the 7th March 2025.
Please complete the Admissions Form to apply for a place, you will need to complete the this between the dates above. Offers will be made by the end of April 2024.
The admissions deadline for the academic year 2025-2026 is 7th March 2025.
Crown Street Primary Pre-School does not have a catchment area. If a tie-break is required to determine which child gets a place, we will refer to the criteria in our Pre-School Admissions Policy – see below. For any other policies, please visit our policies page.
How we work with parents/carers
Early Years Foundation Stage
Pre-School Uniform
Pre-School FAQs