As we are nearing the summer holidays, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on an extraordinary year at Crown Street Primary School (CSPS).


From achievements to unforgettable experiences, we have truly made the most of every opportunity.


Here are just some of the highlights that defined our year!


Introducing our teachers

Crown Street Primary School is pleased to announce that Miss McLeod Marsh will be our Pre-School Teacher from September 2024. Miss McLeod Marsh has been in the childcare and education sector for almost 8 years in various roles before obtaining a First-Class BA Honours degree in Education Studies. She is currently completing her Primary PGCE with The University of Manchester in the Hursthead Alliance Schools’ Direct Programme.
Image of Pre-School Teacher
Crown Street Primary School is pleased to announce that Miss Hopkins will be our Reception Teacher from September 2024. Miss Hopkins has taught at Gorsey Bank Primary for the last 6 years in both Reception and Year 1 and has led on various subjects including Phonics and Early Reading.

Image of Miss Hopkins outside Crown Street Primary School, prior to the school opening in September 2024.


Final Drop in Session

On the 11th of January we hosted another drop-in session in the lead up to the admissions deadline so that parents and carers could meet Mrs Thompson and find out more about the curriculum before the reception admissions deadline.

Drop in session picture

Reception and Pre-School Inductions

Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our Reception and Pre-School Induction sessions. Mrs Thompson and The Early Years Team were thrilled to be able to welcome everyone into the school building before the children start in September.

Induction day set up

Another Year of Amazing Highlights for Crown Street Primary

This year has also been busy for all our staff! From information events to induction days, it has been a brilliant year full of memorable moments.

Watch our Head of School, Mrs Thompson’s end of year message:

As we bid farewell to a successful year, we celebrate the achievements and development, looking forward to the new opportunities that await us in the coming academic year.

We wish all our staff and families a restful and enjoyable summer break!