Behaviour and Rewards
At Laurus Trust Primaries we strongly believe that it is our responsibility to prepare our pupils with the skills and attitudes that will help them become successful, happy and confident learners and citizens.
We are committed to the UNC Rights of the Child; we promote the values of respect, dignity, empathy and non-discrimination (Article 2) resulting in an environment where our children’s self-esteem and wellbeing is prioritised and nurtured.
Our approach to positive behaviour management is based on building relationships, having high expectations and using positive reinforcement of desirable behaviours and as such, rewards are used to encourage effort both personally and academically.
House Points
All children are placed in a house when they first join their primary school; Altius, Citius, Fortius or Magnus. House points are awarded for exceptional effort with academic work and/or displaying the positive values and attitudes embodied in our three school rules:
- We are respectful
- We try our best
- We make good choices
Other Rewards
- Achievement Awards, often linked to a school Driver (Collaboration; Respect; Possibilities; Technology) or the school rules, are presented in weekly Celebration Assemblies
- celebration on Instagram and/or Weekly Newsletter
- contact with parent/carer in person, via phone call or email
- Diamond Stickers awarded by for excellent learning/effort
- visit from/to a member of the Leadership Team to celebrate their work, attitude and/or effort
- praise focused on effort, perseverance, resilience and challenge.
We believe behaviour is a curriculum in itself and something that needs to be taught to young people. Occasionally pupils’ behaviour may slip below expected levels and in these cases we use the following series of sanctions to support a restorative approach:
1 | Staff member notes name out of sight of child’s classmates. |
2 | Restorative conversation between staff member and child during break / lunch time. Incident may be recorded on CPOMS. |
3 | Sent to Values and Attitudes Lead and/or member of the Senior Leadership Team for subsequent restorative conversation and emotion coaching. Parents may be informed. Recorded on CPOMS. |
4 | Parents informed with potential collaborative meeting including Class Teacher, Values and Attitudes Lead and/or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Recorded on CPOMS. |
The school’s Values and Attitudes Lead, SENDCo and Assistant Head for Inclusion conduct regular monitoring of incidents recorded on CPOMS in regards to Behaviour Related Logs, Friendship/Bullying and Child-on-Child Abuse in order to support class teachers where necessary to support positive behaviour management.
For more information, please read the Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy